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Ethnobotanical Plant Psidium guajava

Common Name
Goyave; Guava; Jambu portugal (Portuguese Eug; Goyavier; Jambu padang (Openfield Eugeni; Guayaba; Goavier; Jambu biji (Seedy Eugenia); Jambu burong (Bird Eugenia); Bayawas; Djambu; Petokal; Dipajaya; Tokal; Gouyave; Perala; Djamboe; Jambu pelawas


Uses for this plant.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Country/Region Reference
Dyspepsia Cuba Liogier, Alain Henri. 1974. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena, Santo Domingo.
Emmenagogue Malaya Duke, 1992 *
Epilepsy Haiti Brutus, T.C., and A.V. Pierce-Noel. 1960. Les Plantes et les Legumes d'Hati qui Guerissent. Imprimerie De L'Etat, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Epilepsy Malaya Duke, 1992 *
Epilepsy Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Evil eye New Zealand(Niue) Duke, 1992 *
Fattening Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Fever Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Gingivitis Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Hemostat Haiti Liogier, Alain Henri. 1974. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena, Santo Domingo.
Hysteria Malaya Duke, 1992 *
Intestine French Steinmetz, E.F. 1957. codex Vegetabilis. Published by the author, Amsterdam.
Itch Mexico Standley, Paul C. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contributions U.S. National Herbarium, vol. 23. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Itch Haiti Liogier, Alain Henri. 1974. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena, Santo Domingo.
Jaundice Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Laxative Sanscrit Steinmetz, E.F. 1957. codex Vegetabilis. Published by the author, Amsterdam.
Laxative Ghana Ayensu, Edward S. 1978. Medicinal plants of West Africa. Reference Publications, Inc.
Leucorrhea Java Duke, 1992 *
Nausea Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Nephritis Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *