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Ethnobotanical Activity Laxative


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Abies alba Abeto; Edeltanne; Beyaz Koknar; Silver Fir; Abeto Bianco; Zilver Spar
Abies grandis not available
Abrus precatorius To-Azuki; Graines Reglisse; Rakat; Reglisse; Hung Tou; Rosary Pea; Cain Ghe; Peonia; Hint Meyankoku; Paternoster; Ma Liao Tou; Pois Rouge; Paratella; Liane Reglisse; Weesboontje; Peonia De St Tomas; Jequerit; Gunchi
Abutilon indicum Kemband sore (Eve. expandng fl; Kembang sore (Eve. expandng fl
Acalypha hispida Ekur kuching (cat's tail)
Acorus calamus Sweet Flag; Shui Ch'Ang Pu; Agri Turki; Seki-Sho; Sho-Bu; Ch'Ang P'U Chiu; Jeringau; Kalmus; Calomo Aromatico; Kalmoes; Acore Vrai; Sarango; Ganoeak; Jariangau; Acorus; Calmus; Calamus; Jerangau; Vacha; Doringo; Djerango; Kalmos; Acoro Aromatico; Calamo Aromatico; Vaj; Kaliraga; Bach; Azakegeri
Actaea arguta Baneberry
Adiantum capillus-veneris Krafs Al Bir; Maidenhair; Culantrillo De Pozo
Aegle marmelos Maja gedang; Marmelo; Hint Ayva Agaci; Kawista; Shul; Maja lumut; Bael Tree; Maja galepung; Maja pait; Baelbaum; Maja ingus; Vilwa; Maja batu; Maja
Agave intermixta Galata; Maguey
Agonandra racemosa not available
Akebia quinata Akebi; T'Ung Ts'Ao Chiu; Mu T'Ung; Yen Fu Tzu; T'Ung Ts'Ao
Alectra parasitica not available
Alepidea amatymbica not available
Aleurites moluccana Cila Agaci; Kemiri; Kembiri; Shih Li; Noyer Des Indes; Derekan; Pidekan; Miri; Avellano; Buah keras
Alhagi persorum not available
Alhagi pseudalhagi Hushtra Luk; A'Gul; Duralabha
Allamanda cathartica Yellow Allamanda
Alocasia indica Kar Dard; Bira; Beureum; Sebaring
Aloe barbadensis Aloes; L'Alois; Aloes Des Jardins; Zabida; Sarisabir; Laloi; Zabila; Sabila; Aloe