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Ethnobotanical Activity Wart


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Euphorbia paralias Spurge,Sea
Euphorbia peplus Chickweed; Wolfsmilch
Euphorbia pilosa Spurge
Euphorbia pilulifera Um Al Haleeb; Euphorbe Indienne; Catshair; Indisches Wolfsmilchkraut; Daun Patikan; A'Njad; Raktavinduchada; Asthma Herb; Dudhi; Lechera De Golondrina; Fei Yang Ts'Ao; Indisch Wolfsmelkkruid
Euphorbia platyphyllos Tithymallos
Euphorbia portulacoides Pichoa
Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia
Euphorbia punicea not available
Euphorbia royleana not available
Euphorbia serpyllifolia Yerba De La Golondrina
Euphorbia sp Memeya Quauhnahuacense; Um Hlonhlo; Euphorbes; Memeya Ocopetlayucense; Golondrina; Isihlehle; Warwort; Yxpapachca
Euphorbia thymifolia Sedang padang; Sisi merah; Gelang susu; Rumput jangot; Jarak blanda
Euphorbia tirucalli Kayu urip; Kayu patah tulang (Frac. wood); Tikel balung; Tulang-tulang; Pencil Tree; Mentulang; Milkbush; Paching tawa
Euphorbia turicalli Sangkal Toelang
Euphorbia virgata not available
Excoecaria hippophaefolia Lech Leche
Ficus carica Figuier; Itiziku; Fig; Incir Agaci; Injir; Higuera; Higo; Lovea Si Phle; Tin; Higo Verde; Ichijiku; Hanjir; Figuier Blanc; Figue France
Ficus gigantea Higuerote
Ficus hispida Luwing; Leluwing; Ara bombong (Conical top fig); Ara senigai; Ara lempong (Soft fig); Fig; Bisoro; Ara sungai (River fig)
Ficus indica Figuier Des Indes