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Ethnobotanical Activity Spermatorrhea


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Abutilon indicum Kemband sore (Eve. expandng fl; Kembang sore (Eve. expandng fl
Aeginetia japonica not available
Ailanthus altissima Ch'U; Lisan At Tair; Niwa-Urusi; Ch'Ou Ch'Uang Shu Ken; Gok Aghaji
Allium odorum not available
Allium tuberosum Feng Pen; Chiu; Nira
Atylosia scarabaeoides not available
Boschniakia glabra not available
Boswellia carteri Ju Hsiang; Tu Lu Hsiang; To Chia Lo Hsiang; Hsun Lu Hsiang; Male Incense; Incienso; Mo Le Hsiang; T'Ien Tse Hsiang; Kondor
Cornus officinalis Jou Tsao; Sanshu; Shan Chu Yu; Shu Suan Tsao
Cuscuta chinensis not available
Dioscorea batatas not available
Elettaria cardamomum Pai Tou K'Ou; Tou K'Ou; Kakule; Ts'Ao Kuo; Cardamom; Krako
Euryale ferox Ch'Ien Shih; Chi T'Ou
Ficus pumila Pi Li; Sop; Mu Lien; Kuei Man T'Ou; Mu Man T'Ou
Ficus racemosa Fig,Country
Ficus religiosa Tin Asnam; Pipola
Holarrhena antidysenterica Kalingaka; Vatsaka; Kurchi; Conessi Tree
Melothria heterophylla not available
Michelia champaca Champaca; Chen Po; Kantil; Ampac; Champak; Chempaka; Chepaka; Petjari; Champaga; Pechari; Champac; Surabhi; Bongas Jampacca; Lochari; Schampakka
Nelumbo nelumbo Bunga padam; Tarate; Teratai; Seroja; Padema; Bunga telepok