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Ethnobotanical Activity Rheumatism


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Brunfelsia latifolia not available
Brunfelsia maritima not available
Brunsfelsia hopeana not available
Bryophyllum pinnatum Tope-Tope; Bunitiris; Sedingin; Loup Garou; Loup-Garou; Yerba Bruja; L'Ane Blanc; Ganti batang; Sanglou; Higuey; Suru bebek; Kerenchong; Febrivier; Feuilles Sorcier; Bruja; Z'Herbe Mal Tete; Daun sejuk; Seringin; Feuilles Loup-Garou
Buddleja americana Zayolizcan
Buddleja cordata not available
Buddleja marubiifolia not available
Bulbine latifolia not available
Bulbine narcissifolia Snakeflower
Bunchosia glandsulosa not available
Bursera simaruba Bois D'Encens; Indio Desnudo; Gommier Blanc; Jobo; Chique; Almacigo; Gommier Rouge; Almacigo Colorado; Almacigo Blanco; Fragon Caranne
Buxus sempervirens Simsir; Buis; Huang Yang Mu; Bwes Beni; Boxwood; Le Buis; Boj
Cacalia descomposita not available
Caccinia glauca Kaksinia
Caesalpinia sp. Klengkeng; Kuku tupai (Squrrel claw); Kuku tupai (Squirrel claw); Kutuk; Rentang; Banduc; Kelichi; Kemrunggi; Gorek
Calliandra sp not available
Callicarpa macrophylla not available
Callicarpa pedunculata not available
Calluna vulgaris Funda; Heather; Brecina
Calocarpum sapota not available