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Ethnobotanical Activity Dyspnea


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Amaranthus spinosus Bayam hutam; Bajem Doeri; Parietaire A Piquant; Bayam duri; Kanak kanak pukul lendir
Bursera hindsiana not available
Chenopodium ambrosioides Semin Contra; Feuilles A Vers; Apasote; Meksika Cayi; Simon Contegras; Paico; L.; Semen Contra; Chenopode; Herbe A Vers; Pazote
Citrus aurantium Ch'Eng; Turunc; Kuang Chu; Orange; Chin Ch'Iu; Orange Sure; Z'Orange Sure; Bergamot; Hua Chu Hung; Coolie Orange; Naranja De Babor; Oranger; Naranjo Amargo; Naranja Agria
Crataegus oxyacantha Alic; Seiyo-Sanzasi
Cynanchum stauntoni not available
Diospyros kaki Shih; Kasemek; Hung Shih; Kaki; Juan Tsao; Pai Shih
Ephedra equisetina Kodati-Mao
Ephedra intermedia not available
Ephedra sinica Sima-Mao; Ma Huang
Erythrina leptopoda Bois Immortel
Euphorbia pilulifera Um Al Haleeb; Euphorbe Indienne; Catshair; Indisches Wolfsmilchkraut; Daun Patikan; A'Njad; Raktavinduchada; Asthma Herb; Dudhi; Lechera De Golondrina; Fei Yang Ts'Ao; Indisch Wolfsmelkkruid
Glycine max Shih Yu; Ta Tou Shih; Ta Tou; Chiang; Ta Tou Huang Chuen; Huang Tou; Soya Fasulyasi; Tou Huang; Hei Tou; Tou Fu; Chiang Yu; Jung Shu; Jen Shu; Shu; Tou Yu; Soybean; Shih Tou
Glycyrrhiza glabra Iriqsus; Meyankoku; Kan Ts'Ao; Mi Ts'Ao; Gan Cao; Sus Maikik; Regaliz; Madhuka; Licorice; Kan T'Sao; Liquirita
Hyptis emoryi not available
Lippia dulcis Lippia; Lippienkraut; Yerba Dulce
Petasites japonicus Huki
Petroselinum sativum Ma'Danos
Peucedanum pracruptorum not available
Pharbitis nil not available