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Ethnobotanical Activity Dyspepsia


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Alnus rubra Aune Rouge; Red Alder; Rote Erle; Rode Els
Aloe barbadensis Aloes; L'Alois; Aloes Des Jardins; Zabida; Sarisabir; Laloi; Zabila; Sabila; Aloe
Alpinia officinarum Liang Chiang; Kao Liang Chiang; Kucuk Galanga; Man Chiang; Galangal
Amaranthus sp Hsien
Ambrosia sp Ragweed
Amomum costatum not available
Amomum gracile Ela-ela; Serkkom
Amomum melegueta Poivre Maniguette; Cardamone
Anacardium occidentale Jambu monyet; Jocote Maranon; Cashew; Noix D'Acajou; Acajoiba; Alcayoiba; Amerikan Elmasi; Caju; Gajus; Maranon; Jambu mete; Pomme; Cacajuil; Acajou; Anacarde; Pomme Cajou; Pomme Acajou; Anacardier; Cajou; Cajuil; Cajueiro; Jambu golok; Jambu; Acajou A Pomme; Acaju; Anacardo; Jambu terong; Merey
Anemonopsis californica not available
Angelica glauca not available
Angelica polymorpha? Tang Kuei
Anisomeles malabarica not available
Annona muricata Nangka blanda; Corossolier; Nangka londa; Durian benggala; Toge-Banreisi; Guanabana; Guanavana
Annona squamosa Shurifa; Srikaya; Candongo; Cachiman Canelle; Cachiment Cenelle; Cachiman; Zuckerapfel; Surikaya; Serkaya; Anon; Pomme De Canelle; Custard Apple; Sugar Apple; Pommier De Canelle; Sweetsop; Kaneelappel; Cachiment Cannelle; Pomme-Cannelle
Anthemis cotula Amarusca; Dog Fennel; Stinking Chamomile; Manzanilla Hedionda; Hunds Kamille; Stinkende Kamille; Macela Fetida; Wild Chamomile; Camomille Puante; Cotula Foetida; Cotula Fetida
Apium graveolens Krafus; Kereviz; Apio; Han Ch'In; Rabano; Karawez; Ch'In Ts'Ai; Celeri; Celeri Marron; Apit Bord; Celery; Wood Marche; Ch'In; Celeri Des Jardins
Apocynum cannabinum Hint Keneviri; Dogbane
Arcangelisia flava Tuba flava; Daun bulan; Peron
Areca catechu Ping Lang; Ta Fu Tzu; Bluk; Pinang; Chohang; Wohan; Fufal Agaci; Batang majang; Jambe; Poea; Kramuka; Bing Lang