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Ethnobotanical Activity Dropsy


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Umbilicus pendulinus Yergobegi; Ombligo De Venus
Urginea maritima Onion,Sea; Escila; Adasogani; Squill; Basal Al Far; U'Nsul; Squill,Indian
Urtica dioica Isirgan; Bigstring Nettle; Stinging Nettle; Gerrais; Kazink; Nabat Al Nar; Ortiga Mayor; Nettle,Common
Verbena officinalis Holywort; Minecicegi; Ma Pien Ts'Ao; Bunj; Verbena; Ayauhxochitl; Verbena Oficinal; Kuma-Tuzura; Rejil Al Hamam; Vervain; Gogerchin Otu
Verbesina helianthoides not available
Vernonia teres not available
Viburnum tinus Durillo
Vigna mungo Lu Tou; Mudga; Mach; Lehloli
Vitex negundo Sambhalu; Katri; Nirgundi; Ch'U; Pajan Kusut; Lenggundi; Indrani; Gattilier Incise; Ban Muichi; Chaste Tree; Nirgandi; Man Ching; Nisinda; Huang Ching; Taiwan-Ninzin-Boku(Kusa-Ninzin
Vitis novemfolia Lakom terebau; Asam papan (Plank sour-relish); Lakom kerbau (Plank sour-relis
Withania somnifera Samm Al Ferakh; Ajagandha; Kanaje Hindi; Strychnos; Orovale
Woodfordia fruticosa Seduwayah
Wrightia tinctoria not available
Ximenia americana Bedara laut
Zanthoxylum piperitum Ch'Uan Chiao; Shu Chiao; Chiao Mu; Yama-Asakura-Zansho; Asakura-Zansho; Nan Chiao
Zanthoxylum sp Clava Erculea; Ti Chiao; Chiao; Frassino Spinoso; Toothhache Tree; Wan Chiao; Chu Chiao; Prickly Ash; Chiao Po Chiu; Hercules Club; Kou Chiao; Chin Chiao
Zea mays Misir; Ganma Sham; Mais; Corn; Maiz; Jagong; Mais Vert; Jagung; Dari; Yu Kao Liang; Ble De Turquie; Thurah Safrah; Yu Shu Shu
Zingiber cassumunar Bengle; Bangle; Bunglai; Kunyit bolai; Panini; Oenin makei; Bongelai; Bolai; Koenjit bolai; Bulai; Cassumunar Ginger; Bungelai; Boleh