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Ethnobotanical Activity Deobstruent


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Nelumbo nucifera Lien Tzu; Lien Tzu Hsin; Hsia; Hung Pai Lien Hua; Fo Tso Hsu; Ou; Shih Lien Tzu; Ho Lien Hua; Lien; Chieh Fen; Lien I; Lien Hua; Lien Shih; Lien Ou; Han T'Ao; Ho; Ou Fen; Lotus,Blue; Kaya; Mi; Hasu; I; Lotus Bean; Ch'Ieh; Ho Yeh; Fu Ch'U; Ti
Nothosmyrnium japonicum Kao Pen; Kasamoti
Nymphaea sp Nenuphar
Paeonia emodi Udslap; Mamekh
Pavetta indica Jarum-jarum; Kem pa; Gading-gading (Like ivory)
Phyllanthus fraternus not available
Phyllanthus urinaria Memeniran; Dukong anak (Child pick-a-back; Meniran; Turi hutan; Rami buah
Pinanga dicksonii Kondapake
Plantago lanceolata Adhan As Sakhlah; Ribwort; Dar Yaprakli Sinirliot; Zibad; Llanten Menor; Gechi Qulaghi; Udhainat As Sakhalah
Plantago major Plantain; Llanten; Oba-Ko; Tarkuz; Ch'E Ch'Ien; Sangka buwah; Wegerlich; Llanten Mayor; Daum sejumbok; Buyuk Sinirliot; Gechi Qulaghi; Sangkuwah; Sangkubah; Lisan Al Hamal; Ekur anjing (Dog tail); Sembung otot; Otot ototan; Sei Ohr Re; Suri pandak; Bazir Dam Bil; Arnoglossa; Meloh kiloh
Polygonum orientale Hung Ts'Ao; Oke-Tade; Shui Hung Hua Zi
Polypodium vulgare Pespaye; Polypody; Polipodio
Poncirus trifoliata Chih; Chih K'O
Prunus japonica Ch'Ang Ti; T'Ang Ti; Yu Li; Ch'Iao Mei; Niwa-Ume
Prunus tomentosa Shan Ying T'Ao; Yusura-Ume; Mei T'Ao; Chu T'Ao; Li T'Ao
Randia uliginosa not available
Rhamnus triquetra not available
Rhamnus wightii not available
Rorippa islandica not available
Rumex aquaticus Su Labadasi; Paratella; Dock