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Ethnobotanical Activity Dandruff


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Persea americana Abokado; Avocatier; Avocat; Aguacate; Perse Agaci; Zaboca; Avocado; Paltas
Pinus palustris Longleaf Pine; Sarala
Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine
Polygala floribunda not available
Porlieria angustifolia not available
Rubus hawaiiensis not available
Salvia officinalis Tibbi Adacayi; Sarubia; Sage; Salvia
Santalum sp not available
Stigmaphyllon periplocifolium not available
Strychnos nuxvomica not available
Urtica dioica Isirgan; Bigstring Nettle; Stinging Nettle; Gerrais; Kazink; Nabat Al Nar; Ortiga Mayor; Nettle,Common
Veratrum viride Yesil Copleme; Hellebore,American; White Hellebore; Indian Poke; False Hellebore; Hellebore,Green; American Hellebore
Verbascum thapsus Sigirkuyrugu; Flannel Mullein; Borraja; Molene; Gordolobo; Pano; Bonhomme; Mullein
Vicia gigantea not available