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Ethnobotanical Activity Colic


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Hermannia depressa not available
Heteromorpha arborescens not available
Hibiscus leiospermus not available
Holarrhena antidysenterica Kalingaka; Vatsaka; Kurchi; Conessi Tree
Homalomena coerulescens Kelemoyang; Kemoyang
Hyptis suaveolens Oregano; Mastranto; Ajonjoli Cimarron; Sepulut; Mamajuana; Lerkuing; Basinan; Selaseh hutan (Woodland basil); Melisse; Malbar hutan
Ilex mitis not available
Illicium anisatum not available
Illicium verum Yildizanasonu; Pa Chio Hui Hsiang; Bunga lawan; Pa Chio Yu; Po Hui Hsiang
Indigofera argentea Indigo Anyil; Indigotier; Feuilles Digo; Anyil; Indigo,Wild
Indigofera spinescens not available
Indigofera suffruticosa Digot; Digot Sauvage; Azul De Hoja; Anil; Azulejo
Ipomoea pes-caprae Batata pantai; Tapak kuda (Horse footprint); Batatilla; Patate Marron; Goat'S Foot; Liseron Pied-De-Chevre; Patate Lan Mer; Daun katang; Liane Manger Cochon; Katang-katang
Ipomoea pescaprae not available
Ixora crassifolia Segading jantan; Pechah piring paya
Jacobinia incana not available
Jateorhiza miersii not available
Jatropha multifida Physic Nut; Jarak china
Juglans regia Ceviz Agaci; Hu Tao; Hei T'Ao; Hu T'Ao; Ch'Iang T'Ao; Guz; Nogal; Jawiz; Qoz; Joz
Juglans sieboldiana Shan Hu T'Ao