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Ethnobotanical Use Anthelminthic

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Aglaonema pictum ( Mata bisul (head of boil), Mata hudang (prawn's eye) )
Andira inermis
Andrographis paniculata ( Bidara, Carmantina, Kariyat, Nain Chanvandi, Sadilata, Sambilata, Takila, Vizra Ufar )
Anisosperma passiflora
Aristolochia bracteata
Artemisia absinthium ( Absinthe, Ajenjo, Ajenjo Oficial, Feuilles Ameres, Niga-Yomogi, Pelin, Wormswood )
Artemisia afra
Artemisia cina ( Centonique, Horasani )
Artemisia dracunculus ( Tagantes, Tarhun )
Artemisia mexicana
Asclepias curassavica ( Algodon De Seda, Brujidera, Bunga mas (Golden flower), Cancerillo, Herbe Madame Bouvin, Herbe Mme Bouvin, Ipeca D' Haiti, Ipecacuanha, Kakanasa, Kan Cicegi, Malcasada, Marjan, Mata Cavaille, Qan Chichegi, To-Wata, Viborrana, Zahrat Ad Damm )
Blechnum orientale ( Paku ikan (fish fern), Paku lipan (centipede fern) )
Blumea lacera ( Kayu batu, Lumai hutan )
Calvaria formosa
Celosia trigyna
Chenopodium album ( Akaza, America-Arita-So, Cenizo, Chenopode Blanc, Farinacco, Fisa Al Kilab, Gemeiner Gansefuss, Hui Hsien, Hui T'Iao, Kulf, Mel Ganzevoet, Vastuk, White Goosefoot )
Chenopodium ambrosioides ( Apasote, Chenopode, Feuilles A Vers, Herbe A Vers, L., Meksika Cayi, Paico, Pazote, Semen Contra, Semin Contra, Simon Contegras )
Cinnamomum camphora ( Camphora, Chang, Kafur, Kusu-No-Ki )
Cocos nucifera ( Coco, Cocotero, Cocotier, Cocoye, Cocoyeur, Coqueiro, Drakht I Badinja, Hsu Yu, Ipai, Jeho, Kalapa, Kechambil, Kelambir, Kelapa, Kerambil, Kerambir, Mata De Coco, Niyu, Noix De Coco, Nyiur, Nyor, Palma De Coco, Yeh Chung Chiu, Yeh Tzu, Yueh Wang T'Ou )
Colubrina ferruginea
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.