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Ethnobotanical Use Typhus

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Aristolochia serpentaria ( Snakeroot, Virjinya Logusaotu )
Baptisia tinctoria ( Baptasie Sauvage, Baptisia, Indigotier Sauvage, Indigoweed, Wild Indigo, Wilde Indigo, Wilder Indigo )
Capsicum frutescens ( Chile, Filfil Darah, Pepper,Red, Piment De Cayenne, Sili Biberi )
Cassia tomentosa
Chimaphila umbellata ( Chimaphile, Doldiges Wintergrun, Ground Ivy, Pipsissewa, Prince'S Pine, Pyrole En Ombelle, Skjaerm Vintergron, Spotted Wintergreen, Winterlieb )
Eupatorium purpureum ( Eupatoire D'Eau Rouge, Gravelwort, Joe Pye Weed, Purper Leverkruid, Red Gravel, Roter Wasserhanf )
Iresine calea
Juliania adstringens ( Chalalactli, Cuachalala )
Perezia adnata
Perezia dugesii
Perezia hebeclada
Perezia nana
Perezia rigida
Perezia wrightii
Piqueria trinervia
Schkuhria virgata
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.