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Ethnobotanical Use Tumor(Uterus)

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Amaranthus spinosus ( Bajem Doeri, Bayam duri, Bayam hutam, Kanak kanak pukul lendir, Parietaire A Piquant )
Amomum krervanh
Aristolochia clematitis ( Aristolochia, Birthwort, Clematitide, Smearwort, Uzun Logusaotu )
Aristolochia longa ( Aristolochia, Aristologia, Aristoloquia Larga, Birthwort, Holwort, Long Aristolochia, Zirawend )
Borassus flabellifer ( Palmira Hurma Agaci, Pei Shu )
Boswellia serrata ( Chamaepitys, Frankincense, Olibanum, Tus )
Caesalpinia thorelii ( Samnor Meas )
Carica papaya ( Betik petik, Chich Put, Fan Kua, Gandul, Katela gantung, Kates, Kavunagaci, Kepaya, Kuntaia, Lechoso, Lohong Si Phle, Mapaza, Mu Kua, Papailler, Papaw, Papaya, Papaye, Papayer, Pawpaw, Pawpaw Tree, Pepol, Tinti, Wan Shou Kuo )
Cheiranthus cheiri ( Alheli Amarillo, Manthur-Asfar, Nioi-Ara-Seito, Sari Shabboy, Sebboy, Wallflower )
Chenopodium bonus-henricus ( Mercurialis, Yabani Ispanak, Zurron )
Cressa cretica ( Anthillis, Showail )
Elettaria cardamomum ( Cardamom, Kakule, Krako, Pai Tou K'Ou, Tou K'Ou, Ts'Ao Kuo )
Ficus carica ( Fig, Figue France, Figuier, Figuier Blanc, Hanjir, Higo, Higo Verde, Higuera, Ichijiku, Incir Agaci, Injir, Itiziku, Lovea Si Phle, Tin )
Mimosa casta ( Preah Khlop )
Montanoa tomentosa ( Cihoapactli, Hierba De La Perida, Zoapatle )
Narcissus poeticus ( Dohn En Nirdjis, Lis, Narcissus, Nardschis, Oil Of Narcissus, Poet'S Narcissus )
Narcissus pseudo-narcissus ( Daffodil, Lis, Narciso, Narcissus, Nergis, Nirjes )
Origanum maru ( Sampsychos )
Platycerium bifurcatum ( Pakis tandoek, Pakoe oentjal, Simbar, Simbar agoeng )
Salvia calycina ( Sage )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.