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Ethnobotanical Use Ache(Tooth)

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Abelmoschus esculentus ( Bamia, Calalou, Calalou Gombo, Gombo, Gumbo, Huang Shu K'Uei, Molondron, Ochro, Quiabeiro, Quingombo )
Achillea lanulosa
Achillea millefolium ( Biranjasif, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Tlalquequetzal, Yarrow )
Achyranthes aspera ( Apamarga, Chaff Tree, Feuilles La Fievre, Jarongan, Rabo De Gato, Rarai, Santypite )
Aconitum columbianum ( Monkshood )
Acorus calamus ( Acore Vrai, Acoro Aromatico, Acorus, Agri Turki, Azakegeri, Bach, Calamo Aromatico, Calamus, Calmus, Calomo Aromatico, Ch'Ang P'U Chiu, Djerango, Doringo, Ganoeak, Jariangau, Jerangau, Jeringau, Kaliraga, Kalmoes, Kalmos, Kalmus, Sarango, Seki-Sho, Sho-Bu, Shui Ch'Ang Pu, Sweet Flag, Vacha, Vaj )
Adansonia digitata ( Apenbroodboom, Arbre De Mille Ans, Baobab, Baobab Agaci, Baobob, Boab, Mapou Zombi )
Aerva sp ( Alkekenge, Batoto, Battre Autour, Cayenne, Chieh, Chun She, Coque-Molle, Coscatlacualtzin, Dock, Duba Xha, Ground Cherry, Herbe A Cloques, Hsien, Khao Yen, Maguey, Maman Laman, Moorwort,Small, Phlu Kae, Piments, Pine, Rape, Saparna, Sarsaparilla, Sung Chieh, Sung Chieh Chiu, Sung Hsiang, Sung Hua, Sung Huang, Sung Yeh Chiu, Teomatl, Tope-Tope, Totomaton )
Aframomum melegueta ( Grains Of Paradise, Guinea Grains, Hsi Sha Tou, Magiette )
Alcea rosea ( Gul Hero, Khatmah Barri, Malva Real, Ward Al Khatmi )
Alchornea cordifolia
Allium sativum ( Ail, Ail De Cuisine, Ajo, Bawang Poetih, Bawang puteh, Cilantrico, Cilantro, Coriander, Coriandrum, Cropleek, Culantrico, Culantro, Dhanya, Garlic, Hsiang Sui, Hsiao Suan, Hu Sui, Katumber, Ketumbar, Kisnis, Koendoro, Kozahla, Kuzbarah, Lai, Lasan, Misima-Saiko, Penjilang, Rosina, Samersaq, Sarimsak, Sir, Suan, Thum, Yuan Sui )
Allophylus cominia ( Cafe Marron, Palo De Caja, Parida, Rompe Caldero, Tres Palabras, Trois Feuilles, Trois Paroles )
Alocasia macrorrhiza ( Ababa, Birak negeri, Hai Yu, Keladi Sebaring, Kuan Yin Lien, Sente )
Alpinia officinarum ( Alman Pireotu, Galangal, Kao Liang Chiang, Kucuk Galanga, Liang Chiang, Man Chiang, Piretron )
Alstonia scholaris ( Dita, Pha Ya Sat Ta Ban, Poele, Pulai, Pulai bukit, Pule, Saptachada )
Amaranthus sp. ( Bajem, Bayam )
Amorphophallus sylvatica
Anacardium occidentale ( Acajoiba, Acajou, Acajou A Pomme, Acaju, Alcayoiba, Amerikan Elmasi, Anacarde, Anacardier, Anacardo, Cacajuil, Cajou, Caju, Cajueiro, Cajuil, Cashew, Gajus, Jambu, Jambu golok, Jambu mete, Jambu monyet, Jambu terong, Jocote Maranon, Maranon, Merey, Noix D'Acajou, Pomme, Pomme Acajou, Pomme Cajou )
Anacyclus pyrethrum ( Nezleotu, Pyrethrum )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.