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Ethnobotanical Use Sprue

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Abrus precatorius ( Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Gunchi, Hint Meyankoku, Hung Tou, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse, Ma Liao Tou, Paratella, Paternoster, Peonia, Peonia De St Tomas, Pois Rouge, Rakat, Reglisse, Rosary Pea, To-Azuki, Weesboontje )
Aleurites moluccana ( Avellano, Buah keras, Cila Agaci, Derekan, Kembiri, Kemiri, Miri, Noyer Des Indes, Pidekan, Shih Li )
Callicarpa longifolia ( Chapal, Chapal besi, Karat besi, Meniran utan, Nasi-nasi, Sulap, Tampang besi puteh )
Cucumis sativus ( Arou, Cucumber, Hiyar, Hu Kua, Huang Kua, Katimun, Khiyar, Khiyar Mai )
Cupania pleuropteris ( Kelentit nyamok, Pokok serawan burong (Sprue..) )
Daemonorops sp. ( Hadlud, Rotan jernang (Dragonblood..) )
Dryobalanops aromatica ( Bing Pian, Camphora, Ch'Ing Ping P'Ien, Chin Chiao Nao, Dryobalanops, Kapur, Kapurun, Mei Hua P'Ien, Mi Nao, Ni Ping P'Ien, P'O Lu Hsiang, Ping P'Ien, Pokok kapur burus (Baru campho, Su Nao, Ts'Ang Lung Nao )
Horsfieldia valida
Lumnitzera coccinea ( Sesak )
Lumnitzera littorea
Lygodium scandens ( Pakoe kawat, Paku hata bejas, Paku kawat, Riboe-riboe, Ribu-ribu, Selada )
Mimusops elengi ( Brazilian Milktree, Bunga tanjong (Headland flower, Elengi, Kekula, Kuhbaum Von Para, Kun, Mimuscope, Pekola batu, Pokok tanjong, Pomme D'Adami, Tanjung )
Mollugo pentaphylla ( Bunga karang (Itch flower), Tapak burung (Bird footprint) )
Momordica charantia ( A'Jayib Al Maasi, Assorossie, Balsam Apple, Balsampear, Chin Li Chih, Ejinrin, Gule Khandan, K'U Kua, Kerela, Lai P'U T'Ao, Melao De Sao Caetano, Pare, Peria, Peria laut, Periok, Salsamino, Sorci, Sorossi, Sorossie, Sorossies )
Musa paradisiaca ( Banana, Banane Corne, Banane Grosse Botte, Bananeira De S Tome, Bananier, Cambur, Chi Tzu Chiao, Chiao Yu, Figue, Fo Shou Chiao, Horse Banana, Kan Chiao, Mei Jen Chiao, Moz, Niu Ju Chiao, Pan Chiao, Plantain, Platano, Rulo, Shui Chiao, Tan P'Ing Chiao, Ya Chiao )
Planchonella obovata ( Jenkok, Pokok baraut laut, Tuak-tuak )
Pratia nummularia ( Ketrus alas )
Pterocarpus santalinus ( Chendana janggi, Kirmizi Santal, Niu Shou Chan T'An, Red Saunders, Sandalwood Paduak, T'An, Tjendana djenggi, Tzu T'An )
Roucheria griffithiana ( Akar Bidji, Akar mata ketam (Crab eye vine, Akar serawan (Sprue vine), Ipoh akar puteh (White Strychn, Kait-kait )
Rubus moluccanus ( Akar bulan mudu, Akar koepor, Akar kupur, Berete, Brembet, Noendoeng, Tampu rengat (Cramp tampu), Temporanak )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.