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Ethnobotanical Use Psychedelic

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Anethum graveolens ( Baston Do Diale, Catahva, Datli Boyana, Dereotu, Eneldo, Habbat Helwah, Hinojo, Inojo, Inondo, Sadhab Al Barr )
Banisteriopsis caapi
Cannabis sativa ( Bangue, Bhang, Canamo, Canamo Indio, Ganja, Han Ma, Hemp, Hemp,Indian, Hint Keneviri, Huang Ma, Huo Ma, Kenevir, Ma Fen, Ma Jen Chiu, Mariguana, Qunnab, Ta Ma, Tchene )
Capsicum frutescens ( Chile, Filfil Darah, Pepper,Red, Piment De Cayenne, Sili Biberi )
Datura arborea ( Angel'S Trumpet, Floripondio )
Datura stramonium ( Buenas Tardes, Chamico, Chamisco, Cocombre Zombie, Cojon De Diablo, Concombre Zombie, Cornicopio, Daturah, Doornappelkruid, Estramoni, Estramonio, Feng Ch'Ieh Erh, Figuiero Do Inferno, Floribunda, Galurt, Gemeiner Stechapfel, Jimson, Jimsonweed, Jimson_Eed, Man T'O Lo, Nafeer, Noce Del Diavolo, Nongue, Opium Tropical, Pomme Epineuse, Pomme Poison, Stinkblaren, Stramoine, Tapate )
Daucus carota ( Carot, Carotte, Carrot, Djane Racene, Gaizar, Havuc, Hawuch, Hu Lo Po, Huang Lo Po, Hung Lo Po, Jezar, Mohrrube, Yarkuki, Zanahoria )
Erythroxylum coca ( Cocaine, Koka )
Ipomoea violacea
Lactuca sativum
Lophophora williamsii ( Peyote, Peytote, Ubatama )
Musa sapientum ( Banana, Pisang, Pisang batoe, Pisang batu, Pisang embung, Pisang kelat, Pisang kepok, Pisang swanggi, Platano )
Myristica fragrans ( Buah pala, Jou Kou Hua, Jou Kuo, Jou Tou Hua, Jou Tou K'Ou, Kembang pala diluar, Kucuk Hindistancevizi Ag, Mace, Muscade, Noix De Muscade, Notenmuskaatboom, Nuez Moscada, Nutmeg, Nux Moschata )
Nicotiana tabacum ( Herbe A La Reine, Jen Ts'Ao, Nicoziana, Tabac, Tabac Mannoque, Tabaco, Tabigh, Tan Pa Ku, Tanigh, Tobacco, Toubac, Tutun, Yen Ken, Yen Ts'Ao, Yu Ts'Ao )
Piptadenia peregrina ( Cohoba Tree, Yoke )
Sophora secundiflora ( Mescal Bean )
Trichocereus pachanoi
Virola sp ( Hydrangea, Yang Hsiu Ch'Iu )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.