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Ethnobotanical Use Polyp(Nose)

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Alhagi maurorum ( Dhanvayavashaka, Sphagnos )
Amyris bata ( Mirra )
Anemone cernua ( Pai T'Ou Weng )
Arisaema triphyllum ( Aronknolle, Arum, Indian Onion, Indian Turnip )
Aristolochia clematitis ( Aristolochia, Birthwort, Clematitide, Smearwort, Uzun Logusaotu )
Aristolochia cretica ( Aristolochia )
Aristolochia longa ( Aristolochia, Aristologia, Aristoloquia Larga, Birthwort, Holwort, Long Aristolochia, Zirawend )
Artemisia apiacea ( Ch'Ing Hao, Hsiang Hao, Yeh Chu Hua )
Arum italicum ( Aro, Colubrina, Dracunculus Maior, Seperntaria Maior )
Arum maculatum ( Aron, Arum, Danaayagi, Lords-And-Ladies, Radix Arimaculatum, Wake Robin )
Arum sp ( Almond, Aron, Bara Na, Cacapolton, Ccama Sayri, Ccoro, Dracontea, Dragontea, Fodya, Jui Ho, Pai Sui, Tobacco, Vainilla Verde, Vanilla,Bastard )
Asarum albivenium
Asarum asaroides
Asarum canadense ( Kanada Azarumu, Wild Ginger )
Asarum sieboldi ( Hsi Hsin, Japon Azarumu )
Asarum sieboldii
Astragalus creticus ( Draganthum )
Astragalus strobiliferus ( Vitriolum )
Chrysanthemum balsamita ( Alecost, Balsamite, Costmary, Costum, Erba Costa, Frauenblatt, Garten Rainfarn, Menthe Coq, Tanaceto, Tuinbalsem )
Colchicum variegatum ( Hermodactylis )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.