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Ethnobotanical Use Ophthalmia

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Abrus precatorius ( Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Gunchi, Hint Meyankoku, Hung Tou, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse, Ma Liao Tou, Paratella, Paternoster, Peonia, Peonia De St Tomas, Pois Rouge, Rakat, Reglisse, Rosary Pea, To-Azuki, Weesboontje )
Acacia farnesiana ( Cuji, Esponjeira, Kambang japun, Kembang bandira, Kembang nagasiri, Tusca )
Acacia sieberana
Achyranthes aspera ( Apamarga, Chaff Tree, Feuilles La Fievre, Jarongan, Rabo De Gato, Rarai, Santypite )
Allium ascalonium ( Astloke, Bawang merah, Brambang abang, Brambang bali, Echalotte, Hsieh, Hsieh Pai, Yabani Sarimsak, Zechalotte )
Apostasia nuda ( Kenching pelandok, Menkuang tikus, Pokok pelampas budak )
Areca catechu ( Batang majang, Bing Lang, Bluk, Chohang, Fufal Agaci, Jambe, Kramuka, Pinang, Ping Lang, Poea, Ta Fu Tzu, Wohan )
Argemone mexicana ( Argemone, Argemone Du Mexique, Bherband, Cardo Santo, Cardosanto, Chadron Beni, Chandron A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon, Chardon A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon Beni, Chardon Fleurs Jaunes, Chicallotl, Chokh, Deruju, Lao Shu Le, Ne, Poppy,Mexican, Poppy,Prickly, Poppy,Thistle, Prickly Poppy, Thistle,Gamboge, Thistle,Yellow )
Argemone ochroleuca ( Chicaolte )
Argemone subfusiformis
Arundinaria japonica ( Ch'Ang Ti, Ch'Iao Mei, K'U Chu, Niwa-Ume, T'Ang Ti, Yu Li )
Averrhoa bilimbi ( Balimbing, Belimbing besi, Belimbing buloh, Bilin, L., Limeng, Zibeline )
Baccaurea motleyana ( Rambai, Rambeh )
Berberis asiatica ( Haridra )
Bergenia ciliata
Blighia sapida ( Akee, Aki, Arbre A Fricasser )
Bocconia frutescens ( Aji Moron, Akar-pahit (Bitter vine), Ambong-ambong (Knapsacks), Arbre A Pain, Bois Codine, Bois Coq D'Inde, Bois De Coq, Celandine,Tree, Cocoxihuitl, Dudulan, Embun-embun, Gengibrillo, Higeura Infierno, Higuera Del Diablo, Llora Sangre, Palo De Toro, Pan Blanco, Wudulan, Yagrumo Macho, Yanali )
Bryophyllum pinnatum ( Bruja, Bunitiris, Daun sejuk, Febrivier, Feuilles Loup-Garou, Feuilles Sorcier, Ganti batang, Higuey, Kerenchong, L'Ane Blanc, Loup Garou, Loup-Garou, Sanglou, Sedingin, Seringin, Suru bebek, Tope-Tope, Yerba Bruja, Z'Herbe Mal Tete )
Butea monosperma ( Palasa, Teak,Bastard )
Caesalpinia pulcherrima ( Cacalaca, Chana, Clavellina, Feng Huang Ch'Ang, Francillade, Jambul merak (peacock feather), Parak kegel, Patra mengala, Poincillade )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.