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Ethnobotanical Use Nervine

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Acanthus mollis ( Acanto, Ayikulagi, Barenklau, Bearfoot, Bereklauw, Branc Ursine, Branche Ursine, Brancorsina, Ha-Azami, Hierba Carnera, Jeruju )
Achillea millefolium ( Biranjasif, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Tlalquequetzal, Yarrow )
Acorus calamus ( Acore Vrai, Acoro Aromatico, Acorus, Agri Turki, Azakegeri, Bach, Calamo Aromatico, Calamus, Calmus, Calomo Aromatico, Ch'Ang P'U Chiu, Djerango, Doringo, Ganoeak, Jariangau, Jerangau, Jeringau, Kaliraga, Kalmoes, Kalmos, Kalmus, Sarango, Seki-Sho, Sho-Bu, Shui Ch'Ang Pu, Sweet Flag, Vacha, Vaj )
Actaea racemosa ( Actee A Grappes, American Baneberry, Amerikansk Slangerod, Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot, Cimicaire, Rattle Root, Sauco, Slangenwortel, Tahta Bitiotu, Wanzenkraut )
Actaea spicata ( Actee En Epi, Bane Berry, Baneberry, Barba Di Capra, Hierba De San Cristobal, Kristofotu, Mint, Sheng Ma, Spearmint, Wolfskraut, Yerba Buena )
Aesculus glabra ( Buckeye, Kahle Kastanie, Marron Glabre )
Alpinia officinarum ( Galangal, Kao Liang Chiang, Kucuk Galanga, Liang Chiang, Man Chiang )
Anagallis arvensis ( Adhan Al Far, Ain Al Jamal, Anagallide, Kirmizi Farekulagi, Murajes, Ruri-Hakobe, Scarlet Pimpernel, Sichan Qulaghi )
Anamirta cocculus ( Balikotu, Peron, Toeba bidji )
Anemone hepatica ( Erba Trinita, Hepatica, Hepatique, Hierba Del Higado, Leberkraut, Leverkruid, Leverurt, Liverwort, Trebol Dorado )
Anemone nemorosa ( Anemona De Los Prados, Anemone,Wood, Herbe Du Cancer, Nemorosa, Ormanlalesi )
Anemone pratensis ( Ruzgarcicegi )
Anemopaegma mirandum
Angelica archangelica ( Angelica, Angerika, Ch'Ien Tu, Engelwurz, Melekotu )
Angelica silvestris ( Angelica Selvatica, Engelique Des Bois, Wald Brustwurz, Wild Angelica, Wilde Engelwortel )
Apium graveolens ( Apio, Apit Bord, Aruda, Bahce Sedefotu, Celeri, Celeri Des Jardins, Celeri Marron, Celery, Ch'In, Ch'In Ts'Ai, Godong mungu, Han Ch'In, Henruda, Karawez, Kereviz, Krafus, Rabano, Ruda, Rue, Rue Fetide, Ruta, Sadal, Ubat atal, Wood Marche, Yun Hsiang Ts'Ao )
Arnica montana ( Arnica, Dagtutunu, Trinidad Roupala )
Artemisia stelleriana ( Fan, Lu, Pai Hao )
Artemisia vulgaris ( Ai, Ai Fu, Arbre Aux Cent Gouts, Armoise, Artemisa, Baru china, Ch'I Ai, Chih Ts'Ao, Chiu Ts'Ao, Common Thyme, Du Thym, Fleurs St Jean, Genje jawa, Hiyam, I Ts'Ao, Kan Tsao, Kekik, Liang Tsao, Mei Tsao, Miskotu, Mugwort, Nan Tsao, Pei Tsao, Pile, Sanebuto-Natume, Suket ganjahan, Sundamala, Ta Tsao, Tati-Zyako-So, Thym Grandes Feuilles, Thyme, Tomillo, Tsao, Tzu Ai, Zombi Nan Bois )
Asclepias syriaca ( Ipek Fidani, Milkweed )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.