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Ethnobotanical Activity Narcotic


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Aconitum deinorhizum Char De Venus; Visha; Bish; Indian Aconite; Bischnag; Mohra; Indischer Eisenhut; Indische Monnikskap
Aconitum lycoctonum Wolfs Eisenhut; Yellow Wolfsbane; Lupata; Matalobos; Kurtbogan; Aconit Tue Loup; Gele Monnikskap; Aconito Matalobo; Gelber Eisenhut
Aconitum napellus Duivelskruid; Yoshu-Tori-Kabuto; Monk'Shood; Kaplanbogan; Aconito Napello; Uva Verga; Blauer Eisenhut; Monkshood; Stormhat; Tue Loup; Aconito; European Monkshood
Aesculus hippocastanum Paarde Kastanje; Ippocastano; Chataigne De Cheval; Castogno D'India; Wilde Kastanje; Marronnier D'Inde; Buckeye; Castagno D'India; Atkestanesi; Rosskastanie; Castano De Indias; Eschilo; Castano De India; Seiyo-Toti-No-Ki; Castanheiro Da India; Horse Chestnut
Ajuga reptans Maya Silotu; Bugle; Bugula
Andira inermis not available
Andira vermifuga not available
Anethum graveolens Sadhab Al Barr; Inondo; Hinojo; Dereotu; Habbat Helwah; Datli Boyana; Eneldo; Baston Do Diale; Catahva; Inojo
Annona glabra Corossol Marron; Anon De Rio; Baga
Apocynum androsaemifolium Amerikanischer; Vliegenwurger; Spreading Dogbane; Chanvre Du Canada; Dogbane; Canadian Hemp
Aquilegia vulgaris Hasekikupesi; Columbine; Akelei; Amerika-Odamaki
Aralia nudicaulis Yabani Saparna; Spikenard
Arbutus unedo Koca Yemis; Djina; Madrono
Arctostaphylos arguta not available
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Gayuba; Ayiuzumu
Argemone mexicana Cardo Santo; Cardosanto; Chardon; Bherband; Chardon A Fleurs Jaunes; Lao Shu Le; Chardon Beni; Chadron Beni; Chandron A Fleurs Jaunes; Chardon Fleurs Jaunes; Argemone Du Mexique; Poppy,Mexican; Poppy,Prickly; Thistle,Gamboge; Chokh; Thistle,Yellow; Deruju; Chicallotl; Prickly Poppy; Argemone; Ne; Poppy,Thistle
Argemone ochroleuca Chicaolte
Argemone subfusiformis not available
Ariocarpus fissuratus not available
Artemisia absinthium Pelin; Niga-Yomogi; Ajenjo; Feuilles Ameres; Wormswood; Ajenjo Oficial; Absinthe