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Ethnobotanical Use Mouthwash

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Acorus calamus ( Acore Vrai, Acoro Aromatico, Acorus, Agri Turki, Azakegeri, Bach, Calamo Aromatico, Calamus, Calmus, Calomo Aromatico, Ch'Ang P'U Chiu, Djerango, Doringo, Ganoeak, Jariangau, Jerangau, Jeringau, Kaliraga, Kalmoes, Kalmos, Kalmus, Sarango, Seki-Sho, Sho-Bu, Shui Ch'Ang Pu, Sweet Flag, Vacha, Vaj )
Anacyclus officinarum ( Alman Pireotu, Piretron )
Anacyclus pyrethrum ( Nezleotu, Pyrethrum )
Bridelia ferruginea
Bridelia micrantha
Calendula officinalis ( Aklelmulk, Atunjaq, Calendula, Chin Chan Hua, China, Kamisha Bahar, Maravilla, Mercadela, Oqhuwan, Qaraqus, Sage, Salvia, Sarubia, Tibbi Adacayi, Tibbi Nergis, To-Kinsen-Ka, Virreina )
Citrus aurantiifolia ( Agac Kavunu Agaci, Basra Limisi, Ben Zuhair, Laimun, Lime, Numi Basra, Vijapura )
Citrus aurantium ( Bergamot, Ch'Eng, Chin Ch'Iu, Coolie Orange, Hua Chu Hung, Kuang Chu, Naranja Agria, Naranja De Babor, Naranjo Amargo, Orange, Orange Sure, Oranger, Turunc, Z'Orange Sure )
Clausena anisata
Cocos nucifera ( Coco, Cocotero, Cocotier, Cocoye, Cocoyeur, Coqueiro, Drakht I Badinja, Hsu Yu, Ipai, Jeho, Kalapa, Kechambil, Kelambir, Kelapa, Kerambil, Kerambir, Mata De Coco, Niyu, Noix De Coco, Nyiur, Nyor, Palma De Coco, Yeh Chung Chiu, Yeh Tzu, Yueh Wang T'Ou )
Commiphora abyssinica ( Mirra )
Cymbopogon citratus ( Citronela, Citronelle, Eri makoe, Hoe moeke, Laoe wasiro, Limoncillo, Limonotu, Salimbata, Serai, Sere, Sere mangat bi, Sereh makan (Edible sereh), Tapisa-pisa )
Dialium guineense
Elaeocarpus floribundus ( Medang telut (Egg laurel) )
Ervatamia orientalis
Ilex guayusa
Iresine herbstii
Jatropha curcas ( Feuilles Medecinier, Grand Medicinier, Jarak, Jarak belanda, Jarak budeg, Medicinier Beni, Nanyo-Aburagi, Physic Nut, Pinon, Pinon De La India, Purging Nut, Tuba )
Lophanthus rugosus ( Ho Hsiang )
Manilkara elengi
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.