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Ethnobotanical Use Lithontriptic

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Ageratum conyzoides ( Aru batu, Bandotan, Berokan, Rompesaraguelo, Rumput tahi ayam, Wedusan )
Ascyrum hypericoides ( Peter'Swort )
Borreria laevis ( Coupe Colonne )
Cissampelos pareira ( Aristoloche Lobee, Bejuco De Raton, Feuille Coeur, Gasing-gasing, Liane Patte Cheval )
Diospyros ebenum ( Ebony )
Eranthis keiskii ( Lei Wan Ts'Ao, T'Ien K'Uei, T'U K'Uei )
Guatteria gaumeri
Jatropha urens ( Nettle,White, Queimadeira )
Juglans regia ( Ceviz Agaci, Ch'Iang T'Ao, Guz, Hei T'Ao, Hu T'Ao, Hu Tao, Jawiz, Joz, Nogal, Qoz )
Juglans sieboldiana ( Shan Hu T'Ao )
Juncus effusus ( Hu Hsu Ts'Ao, Saz, Teng Hsin Ts'Ao )
Lagenaria siceraria ( Asmakabagi, Banganya, Calabazo, Calebasse Franc, Callebasse Courante, Callebassier, Camasa, Congourde, Gourd, Gourde Des Pelerins, Guiro, Hu, Hu Lu, Hu Tzu, Kara Qabagh, P'Ao, P'Iao, Qare Sibbahi, Qari )
Lithospermum arvense
Lithospermum officinale ( Common Gromwell, Habb Al Qalb, Mijo De Sol, Murasaki, Taskesenotu, Ti Hsueh, Tzu Tan, Tzu Ts'Ao, Ya Hsien Ts'Ao )
Mallotus philippensis ( Kamala, Kampillaka )
Malva sp ( Chin K'Uei, Chu Yuen Sui, Groundpine, K'Uei, T'Ien K'Uei, Tung K'Uei, Tung K'Uei Tzu )
Oxalis corniculata ( Acederilla Aleluya, Alleluia, Carpigna, Chukrika, Estrebolina, Hsiao Suan Ts'Ai, Hummaidh, Indian Sorrel, Oseille Du Bois, Oseille Marron, Pwin D'Coucou, Rempi, Semanggen, Sikap dada, Sorrel, Suan Chiang, Tso Chiang, Vinagreta, Vinagrillo )
Polygonum hydropiper ( Daun senahun, Pimienta Acuatica, Pweve D'Ewe, Smartweed, Subiberi, Yanagi-Tade )
Polygonum persicaria ( Acemotu, Arsmart, Hashishat Al Ger'An, Persicaria )
Prosopis alba
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.