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Ethnobotanical Use Kidney

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Abrus precatorius ( Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Gunchi, Hint Meyankoku, Hung Tou, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse, Ma Liao Tou, Paratella, Paternoster, Peonia, Peonia De St Tomas, Pois Rouge, Rakat, Reglisse, Rosary Pea, To-Azuki, Weesboontje )
Acacia sieberana
Acaena sanguisorbae
Achillea millefolium ( Biranjasif, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Tlalquequetzal, Yarrow )
Alchemilla arvensis ( Ova Aslanpencesi )
Alisma plantago ( Chi Hsieh, Cobandudugu, Hsieh, Ku Hsieh, Mang Yu, Shui Hsieh, Tse Hsieh, Yu, Yu Sun )
Allium porrum ( Hawar, Kurrath, Pirasa, Poireau, Prasium )
Allium sativum ( Ail, Ail De Cuisine, Ajo, Bawang Poetih, Bawang puteh, Cropleek, Garlic, Hsiao Suan, Lai, Lasan, Rosina, Samersaq, Sarimsak, Sir, Suan, Thum )
Amaranthus bidentata
Ammi visnaga ( Anmi, Bisnaga Das Searas, Biznaga, Busnaga, Khaizaran, Khellakraut, Khillah, Pick Toothh, Viznaga )
Annona muricata ( Corossolier, Durian benggala, Guanabana, Guanavana, Nangka blanda, Nangka londa, Toge-Banreisi )
Apocynum androsaemifolium ( Amerikanischer, Canadian Hemp, Chanvre Du Canada, Dogbane, Spreading Dogbane, Vliegenwurger )
Aquilaria agallocha ( Aguru, Ch'En Hsiang, Ch'Ing Kuei Hsiang, Chan Hsiang, Chen Xiang, Chi Ku Hsiang, Huang Shu Hsiang, Lignum Aloes, Ma T'I Hsiang )
Argemone mexicana ( Argemone, Argemone Du Mexique, Bherband, Cardo Santo, Cardosanto, Chadron Beni, Chandron A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon, Chardon A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon Beni, Chardon Fleurs Jaunes, Chicallotl, Chokh, Deruju, Lao Shu Le, Ne, Poppy,Mexican, Poppy,Prickly, Poppy,Thistle, Prickly Poppy, Thistle,Gamboge, Thistle,Yellow )
Argemone platyceras ( Cardosanto )
Arundo kakao
Ascyrum hyppericoides
Asimina reticulata
Asparagus plumosus
Asplenium ceterach
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.