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Ethnobotanical Use Hydropsy

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Allium cepa ( Basal, Bawang, Bawang merah, Bawang puteh, Cabolla, Cebola, Cebolla, Cebolla Macho, Hu Ts'Ung, Oignon, Onion, Onion,Red, Pyaz, Sogan, Soghan, Tama-Negi, Z'Oignon, Zwibeln )
Asparagus officinalis ( Asbaragus, Asparagus, Asperge, Esparrago, Esparraguera, Halyun, Kuskonmaz, Matuba-Udo )
Capparis cynophallophora ( Bois Caca, Bois Couleuvre, Bois D'Argent, Caprier Rampant, Frijol )
Capparis gonaivensis ( Bois Rave )
Ceiba pentandra ( Ceiba, Fromager, Fromagier, Kabu kapes, Kabu-kabu, Kapok, Kapokku-No-Ki, Kekabu, Mapou, Mapou Coton, Mengkapas, Randu )
Cynara scolymus ( Alcachofa, Alcachofera, Artichaut, Artichoke, Tyosen-Azami )
Euphorbia splendens ( Couronne Du Christ )
Jatropha gossypifolia ( Bellyache Bush, Jarak china, Jarak kosta merah, Jarak ulung, Medecin, Medicinier, Papaye Sauvage, Petit Mapou, Tua-Tua, Yuca Cimarrona )
Jatropha urens ( Nettle,White, Queimadeira )
Lagenaria siceraria ( Asmakabagi, Banganya, Calabazo, Calebasse Franc, Callebasse Courante, Callebassier, Camasa, Congourde, Gourd, Gourde Des Pelerins, Guiro, Hu, Hu Lu, Hu Tzu, Kara Qabagh, P'Ao, P'Iao, Qare Sibbahi, Qari )
Physalis angulata ( Battre-Autour, K'U Chih )
Phytolacca acinosa ( Ch'Ang Hua, Shang Lu )
Ribes rubrum ( Groseilles, Grosellero )
Trichostigma octandrum ( Bonbon Codine, Bonbon Coq D'Inde, Liane Barrique )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.