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Ethnobotanical Activity Gout


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Adenanthera pavonina Saga
Aegopodium podagraria Goutweed; Castalda; Keci Ayagi; Geissfuss; Hierba Da San Gerado; Zevenblad; Egopode
Ajuga chamaepitys Yer Selvisi; Pinillo; Groundpine
Anemone palmata Hierba Centella
Angelica atropurpurea Purplestem Angelica
Apium graveolens Krafus; Kereviz; Apio; Han Ch'In; Rabano; Karawez; Ch'In Ts'Ai; Celeri; Celeri Marron; Apit Bord; Celery; Wood Marche; Ch'In; Celeri Des Jardins
Aralia racemosa Yabani Saparna
Arctium lappa Arqityon; Niu P'Ang Tzu; Gobo; Dulavratotu; Waisar; Burdock Blood; Lampazo Mayor; Ta Li Tzu; Niu Ts'Ai; Shu Nien; Kuang Mu Hsiang; Wu Shih; Bardana; Burdock; Kewe
Artocarpus altilis Arbre A Pain; Arbre Veritable; Arvore De Pao; Arbol De Pan; Albopan
Asparagus officinalis Kuskonmaz; Asperge; Halyun; Esparraguera; Asbaragus; Asparagus; Esparrago; Matuba-Udo
Betula lenta Tatli Husagaci
Bidens tripartitus not available
Brassica napus Nabo; Naveterinary; Turnip
Cacalia descomposita not available
Caesalpinia sp. Klengkeng; Kuku tupai (Squrrel claw); Kuku tupai (Squirrel claw); Kutuk; Rentang; Banduc; Kelichi; Kemrunggi; Gorek
Cananga odorata Ilang-Ilang; Cananga; Ylang-Ylang; Kananga
Capparis spinosa Kebre; Capparis Spinosa; Caper; Kabar
Chaenomeles sinensis Karin
Chlorophora tinctoria Palo De Mora
Clematis terniflora Sennin-So