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Ethnobotanical Use Galactogogue

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Brosimum alicastrum ( Caucho Macho )
Desmodium heterophyllum ( Peparu bindang, Rumput sisek betok, Rumput sisek nagi, Rumput tilenga tikus, Ubat kayap )
Galega officinalis ( Galega, Garega-So, Sutotu )
Illicium anisatum
Limnophila aromatica ( Beremi, Rumput jari (Finger grass), Sebueh )
Oxystelma secamone
Pimpinella anisum ( Anason, Anasur, Anis, Anise, Anisu, Anisun, Huai Hsiang, Huei Hsiang, Jintan mantis, Pa Yueh Chu, Raziyana )
Saponaria vaccaria ( Chin Chan Yin T'Ai, Chin Kung Hua, Cow Cockle, Wang Pu Liu Hsing )
Silybum marianum ( Cardo Mariano, Holy Thistle, Kanger, Kenger, Ku'Ub, Maria-Azami, Meryemanadikeni, Thistle,Lady'S, Variegated Thistle )
Taraxacum officinale ( Chiang Nou Ts'Ao, Chin Tsan Ts'Ao, Dandelion, Diente De Leon, Hindiba Berri, Huang Hua Ti Ting, Kara Hindiba, Khas Berri, Kou Ju Ts'Ao, Maitiainen, P'O Kung Ying, P'U Kung Ying, Pissenlit, Pu Gong Ying, Seiyo-Tanpopo )
Viscum album ( Anse Di Pot, Bhangra, European Mistletoe, Mistletoe, Muerdago, Okse Otu, Viscum )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.