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Ethnobotanical Use Febrifuge

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Abrus precatorius ( Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Gunchi, Hint Meyankoku, Hung Tou, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse, Ma Liao Tou, Paratella, Paternoster, Peonia, Peonia De St Tomas, Pois Rouge, Rakat, Reglisse, Rosary Pea, To-Azuki, Weesboontje )
Achillea millefolium ( Biranjasif, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Tlalquequetzal, Yarrow )
Andira inermis
Andrographis paniculata ( Bidara, Carmantina, Kariyat, Nain Chanvandi, Sadilata, Sambilata, Takila, Vizra Ufar )
Anemarrhena asphodeloides ( Chih Mu, Huo Mu, Lien Mu, Ti Shen )
Angelica decursiva ( Ch'Ien Hu, Nodake )
Annona muricata ( Corossolier, Durian benggala, Guanabana, Guanavana, Nangka blanda, Nangka londa, Toge-Banreisi )
Anthemis wiedemanniana
Anthocephalus indicus
Anthriscus sylvestris ( Eppich,Wilde, Kerbel, Syaku )
Arcangelisia flava ( Daun bulan, Peron, Tuba flava )
Aristolochia warmingii
Artemisia absinthium ( Absinthe, Ajenjo, Ajenjo Oficial, Feuilles Ameres, Niga-Yomogi, Pelin, Wormswood )
Asiasarum sieboldii ( Usuba-Saisin )
Aspidosperma cuspa
Astilbe microphylla ( Tidake-Sasi )
Astilbe thunbergii ( Toriasi-Shoma )
Azadirachta indica ( Nimva, Tesbih Agaci )
Baccaurea genistelloides
Baccharis tridentata
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.