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Ethnobotanical Use Tuberculosis

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Abies grandis
Abrus precatorius ( Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Gunchi, Hint Meyankoku, Hung Tou, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse, Ma Liao Tou, Paratella, Paternoster, Peonia, Peonia De St Tomas, Pois Rouge, Rakat, Reglisse, Rosary Pea, To-Azuki, Weesboontje )
Acacia caesia
Acacia catechu ( Acacia Di Cachou, Acacie Au Cachou, Amaraja, Erh Ch'A, Hai Erh Ch'A, Kadaram, Katechu Akazie, Katesu, Khair, Pegu Katechu, Wu Tieh Ni )
Acacia farnesiana ( Cuji, Esponjeira, Kambang japun, Kembang bandira, Kembang nagasiri, Tusca )
Achillea millefolium ( Biranjasif, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Tlalquequetzal, Yarrow )
Acorus calamus ( Acore Vrai, Acoro Aromatico, Acorus, Agri Turki, Azakegeri, Bach, Calamo Aromatico, Calamus, Calmus, Calomo Aromatico, Ch'Ang P'U Chiu, Djerango, Doringo, Ganoeak, Jariangau, Jerangau, Jeringau, Kaliraga, Kalmoes, Kalmos, Kalmus, Sarango, Seki-Sho, Sho-Bu, Shui Ch'Ang Pu, Sweet Flag, Vacha, Vaj )
Adenophora stricta
Adhatoda vasica ( Vasa )
Agrimonia eupatoria ( Ackermennig, Agrimonia, Agrimony, Aprobojtorjan, Egrimony, Erba Da Andata, Eupatoire Des Anciens, Garclive, Ghafath, Kasikotu, Leverkruid, Odermennig )
Alectra parasitica
Allium ampeloprasum
Allium cepa ( Basal, Bawang, Bawang merah, Bawang puteh, Cabolla, Cebola, Cebolla, Cebolla Macho, Hu Ts'Ung, Oignon, Onion, Onion,Red, Pyaz, Sogan, Soghan, Tama-Negi, Z'Oignon, Zwibeln )
Allium odorum
Allium sativum ( Ail, Ail De Cuisine, Ajo, Bawang Poetih, Bawang puteh, Cropleek, Garlic, Hsiao Suan, Lai, Lasan, Rosina, Samersaq, Sarimsak, Sir, Suan, Thum )
Allophylus cominia ( Cafe Marron, Palo De Caja, Parida, Rompe Caldero, Tres Palabras, Trois Feuilles, Trois Paroles )
Allophylus occidentalis ( Cafe Jaune, Petit Cafe, Trois Feuilles, Trois Paroles )
Alnus rubra ( Aune Rouge, Red Alder, Rode Els, Rote Erle )
Aloe ecklonis
Aloe vera ( Aloe, Alwat, Djadam arab, Hsiang Tan, Jadam, Lidah buaya, Lu Hui, No Hui, Nu Hui, Zabila )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.