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Ethnobotanical Use Chewstick

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Anogeissus leiocarpus
Capparis flexuosa ( Bois Moutarde )
Citrus aurantiifolia ( Agac Kavunu Agaci, Basra Limisi, Ben Zuhair, Laimun, Lime, Numi Basra, Vijapura )
Clausena anisata
Cupania pallidula ( Kayu sugi (Toothbrush stick) )
Garcinia kola
Hamamelis virginiana ( Amerika-Mansaku, Carpe, Chin Lu Mei, Hamamelis, Pistachier Noir, Trilopo, Virginische Toverhazelaar, Virginischer Zauberstrauch, Witch Hazel )
Heritiera littoralis ( Buah pelir kambing (Goatballs., Dungun, Dungun bukit )
Mallotus oppositifolius
Mezoneuron benthamianum
Napoleonaea vogellii
Naravelia zeylanica
Nauclea latifolia
Oxyanthus speciosus
Paullinia pinnata ( Bejuco Costilla, Bejuco De Tres Filos, Liane Carree )
Populus euphratica ( Bahan )
Schradera marginata ( Quera )
Sphenocentrum jollyanum ( Kotemenem )
Vernonia amygdalina
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.