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Ethnobotanical Use Cancer(Nose)

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Adenia lobata
Amomum melegueta ( Cardamone, Poivre Maniguette )
Argemone mexicana ( Argemone, Argemone Du Mexique, Bherband, Cardo Santo, Cardosanto, Chadron Beni, Chandron A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon, Chardon A Fleurs Jaunes, Chardon Beni, Chardon Fleurs Jaunes, Chicallotl, Chokh, Deruju, Lao Shu Le, Ne, Poppy,Mexican, Poppy,Prickly, Poppy,Thistle, Prickly Poppy, Thistle,Gamboge, Thistle,Yellow )
Aristolochia baetica ( Aristoloquia Betica, Clematitis )
Aristolochia clematitis ( Aristolochia, Birthwort, Clematitide, Smearwort, Uzun Logusaotu )
Aristolochia longa ( Aristolochia, Aristologia, Aristoloquia Larga, Birthwort, Holwort, Long Aristolochia, Zirawend )
Arum sp ( Aron, Bara Na, Dracontea, Dragontea )
Capsicum frutescens ( Chile, Filfil Darah, Pepper,Red, Piment De Cayenne, Sili Biberi )
Cinnamomum camphora ( Camphora, Chang, Kafur, Kusu-No-Ki )
Colocasia esculenta ( Ocumo, Sato-Imo, T'U Chih, Yu, Yu T'Ou )
Coptis teeta ( Altin Ipligi, Chih Lien, Huang Lien, Wang Lien )
Curcuma domestica ( Haridra, Kurkuma Uzum, Olena, Safran De St Domingue, Safran Des Indes, Safran Du Pays, Safron Du Pays, Turmeric, Ukon, Yu Chin )
Dracunculus vulgaris ( Colubrina, Dragon )
Dryobalanops aromatica ( Bing Pian, Camphora, Ch'Ing Ping P'Ien, Chin Chiao Nao, Dryobalanops, Kapur, Kapurun, Mei Hua P'Ien, Mi Nao, Ni Ping P'Ien, P'O Lu Hsiang, Ping P'Ien, Pokok kapur burus (Baru campho, Su Nao, Ts'Ang Lung Nao )
Jatropha multifida ( Jarak china, Physic Nut )
Liriope spicata
Luffa cylindrica ( Bestru, Hetima, Ketola, Pipengaille )
Musa paradisiaca ( Banana, Banane Corne, Banane Grosse Botte, Bananeira De S Tome, Bananier, Cambur, Chi Tzu Chiao, Chiao Yu, Figue, Fo Shou Chiao, Horse Banana, Kan Chiao, Mei Jen Chiao, Moz, Niu Ju Chiao, Pan Chiao, Plantain, Platano, Rulo, Shui Chiao, Tan P'Ing Chiao, Ya Chiao )
Nicotiana tabacum ( Herbe A La Reine, Jen Ts'Ao, Nicoziana, Tabac, Tabac Mannoque, Tabaco, Tabigh, Tan Pa Ku, Tanigh, Tobacco, Toubac, Tutun, Yen Ken, Yen Ts'Ao, Yu Ts'Ao )
Nigella sativa ( Ajenuz, Black Cumin, Corekotu, Cummin,Black, Habbat Soda )
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.