Common Name
Plantain; Llanten; Oba-Ko; Tarkuz; Ch'E Ch'Ien; Sangka buwah; Wegerlich; Llanten Mayor; Daum sejumbok; Buyuk Sinirliot; Gechi Qulaghi; Sangkuwah; Sangkubah; Lisan Al Hamal; Ekur anjing (Dog tail); Sembung otot; Otot ototan; Sei Ohr Re; Suri pandak; Bazir Dam Bil; Arnoglossa; Meloh kiloh
Activity | Country/Region | Reference |
Ache(Ear) | Elsewhere | Duke, 1992 * |
Ache(Head) | Elsewhere | Duke, 1992 * |
Ache(Tooth) | Elsewhere | Duke, 1992 * |
Alexiteric | China | ANON. 1974. A barefoot doctor's manual. DHEW Publication No. (NIH): 75-695. |
Alterative | Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer. | |
Amebiasis | Iraq | Al-Rawi, Ali. 1964. Medicinal Plants of Iraq. Tech. Bull. No. 15. Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Agricultural Research Projects. |
Anodyne | Dominican Republic | Liogier, Alain Henri. 1974. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena, Santo Domingo. |
Antidiarrheic | Japan* | ANON. 1978. List of Plants. Kyoto Herbal Garden, Parmacognostic Research Lab., Central Research Division, Takeda Chem. Industries, Ltd., Ichijoji, Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan. |
Antidote(Bee sting) | Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer. | |
Antiphlogistic | Japan* | ANON. 1978. List of Plants. Kyoto Herbal Garden, Parmacognostic Research Lab., Central Research Division, Takeda Chem. Industries, Ltd., Ichijoji, Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan. |
Antitussive | Japan* | ANON. 1978. List of Plants. Kyoto Herbal Garden, Parmacognostic Research Lab., Central Research Division, Takeda Chem. Industries, Ltd., Ichijoji, Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan. |
Apertif | Kurdistan | Al-Rawi, Ali. 1964. Medicinal Plants of Iraq. Tech. Bull. No. 15. Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Agricultural Research Projects. |
Aphrodisiac | China | Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco. |
Astringent | Turkey | Steinmetz, E.F. 1957. codex Vegetabilis. Published by the author, Amsterdam. |
Astringent | China | Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco. |
Astringent | Venezuela | Pittier, H. 1926. Manual de las Plantas Usuales de Venezuela. Litografia del Comercio, Caracas, Venezuela. |
Bacteriostat | Elsewhere | Duke, 1992 * |
Bacteriostat | Trinidad | Wong, W. 1976. Some folk medicinal plants from Trinidad. Economic Botany 30(2): 103-142. |
Bite(Bug) | US(Appalachia) | Duke, 1992 * |
Bite(Snake) | US(Amerindian) | Duke, 1992 * |