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Ethnobotanical Plant Allium sativum

Common Name
Thum; Suan; Hsiao Suan; Sarimsak; Ail; Sir; Ajo; Garlic; Lai; Ail De Cuisine; Samersaq; Lasan; Cropleek; Bawang Poetih; Rosina; Bawang puteh


Uses for this plant.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Country/Region Reference
Plague Spain Font Query, P. 1979. Plantas Medicinales el Dioscorides Renovado. Editorial Labor, S.A. Barcelona. 5th Ed.
Preventitive Haiti Brutus, T.C., and A.V. Pierce-Noel. 1960. Les Plantes et les Legumes d'Hati qui Guerissent. Imprimerie De L'Etat, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Preventitive South America Martinez, Maximino. 1969. Las Plantas Medinales de Mexico.
Preventitive(Cancer) France Hartwell, J.L. 1967-71. Plants used against cancer. A survey. Lloydia 30-34.
Preventitive(Goiter) China Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco.
Preventitive(Pestilence) China Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco.
Repellant(Snake) Panama(Choco) Duke, 1992 *
Rheumatism Haiti Liogier, Alain Henri. 1974. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena, Santo Domingo.
Rheumatism Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Rheumatism Haiti Brutus, T.C., and A.V. Pierce-Noel. 1960. Les Plantes et les Legumes d'Hati qui Guerissent. Imprimerie De L'Etat, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Ringworm China Leung, Albert Y. 1980. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients. John Wiley and Sons, N.Y.
Ringworm Mexico(Kickapoo) Duke, 1992 *
Rubefacient Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer.
Rubefacient Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Scabies Egypt Tackholm, Vivi and Gunnar. 1973 (reprint). Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1-4. Originally published in Foriad I Univ. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, vol. 17, Cairo, 1941.
Sclerosis Egypt Hartwell, J.L. 1967-71. Plants used against cancer. A survey. Lloydia 30-34.
Sedative China Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco.
Senescence Haiti Brutus, T.C., and A.V. Pierce-Noel. 1960. Les Plantes et les Legumes d'Hati qui Guerissent. Imprimerie De L'Etat, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Skin Elsewhere Duke, 1992 *
Sore Iraq Al-Rawi, Ali. 1964. Medicinal Plants of Iraq. Tech. Bull. No. 15. Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Agricultural Research Projects.