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Ethnobotanical Activity Hair


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Asparagus africanus not available
Citrus aurantifolia Citron; Citronnier; Limau nipis; Limau amkian; Lima; Limau masam; Lima Bobo; Limau asam; Citron Vert; Citronnier Verjus
Corozo oleifera not available
Crescentia alata not available
Delphinium consolida Hezaren
Dillenia aurea not available
Eclipta erecta not available
Entada scandens not available
Eupatorium staechadosmum not available
Euphorbia thomsoniana not available
Gaultheria fragrantissima not available
Guazuma ulmifolia Bois De Hetre; Bois D'Homme; Bois D'Orme; Guacima Cimarrona; Guacima; Orme D'Amerique; Guazuma
Gymnogongrus pinnulata Hou K'Uei; Lu Chio Ts'Ai
Heracleum lanatum Parsnip,Cow
Jatropha dioica not available
Khaya nyasica not available
Leea curtissi not available
Malvaviscus arboreus not available
Narcissus tazetta Shui Hsien; Suisen; Chin Chan Yin T'Ai; Dohn En Nirdjis; Oil Of Narcissus
Populus trichocarpa not available