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Ethnobotanical Activity Conception


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Alisma plantago Tse Hsieh; Cobandudugu; Hsieh; Chi Hsieh; Shui Hsieh; Mang Yu; Ku Hsieh; Yu; Yu Sun
Amaralia sherbourniae not available
Broussaisia arguta not available
Broussaisia palludosa not available
Cassia covesii not available
Chrysactinia mexicana not available
Funtumia africana not available
Holarrhena antidysenterica Kalingaka; Vatsaka; Kurchi; Conessi Tree
Mentha sp Chichiantic
Notholaena standleyi not available
Orobanche ammophyla Jou Tsung Jung; Ts'Ao Tsung Jung; Lieh Tang
Piper guineense Ashanti Pepper
Rumex violascens not available
Trema orientalis Anggrung; Mendarung; Narong paya
Zanthoxylum fruticosum not available